
The Jerusalem Post
Conference in London

An exclusive collaboration with the chelsea FC

London 2020

The Jerusalem Post and Chelsea Conference

For the first time, The Jerusalem Post will host a conference in London. The event, mirrored after our successful New York conferences, is a joint initiative with the Chelsea Football Club.

Purpose of the Conference

Deal with rising

Strengthen the relationship between the Israeli and London Jewish communities

Strengthen the State of Israel and its economy

Build culturalĀ and sports-centered ties that will resonate in the international dialogue


Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis

Chief Rabbi of the United Hebrew Congregations of the Commonwealth

Joan Ryan

Honorary President of Labour Friends of Israel


Minister of Public Security and Minister of Strategic Affairs

Dave Rich

Director of Policy, Community Security Trust, and Associate Research Fellow, Pears Institute for the Study of Antisemitism, Birkbeck, University of London.

Stephen Crabb

Hon Stephen Crabb MP


  • 7:30-9:00
    Registration and Breakfast
  • 9:05-9:35
    Welcome by Yaakov Katz, Editor-in-Chief of The Jerusalem Post
  • 9:40-9:45
    Greetings from Moshe Lion, Mayor of Jerusalem
  • 9:50-10:00
    TED – Ilanit Melchior – Tourism Manager at the Jerusalem Development Authority
  • 10:05-10:35
    Panel – Rising Antisemitism in the World
  • 10:40-10:50
    Fueling the future – Presentation by Ronit Kfir, MayMaan Research Group
  • 10:55-11:35
    Coffee Break
  • 11:40-11:45
    Daniel Atar, Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael-Jewish National Fund
  • 11:50-12:00
    Oded Revivi- Chief Foreign Envoy of the YESHA Council, Mayor of Efrat
  • 12:05-12:15
    Israel Katz, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Minister of Intelligence
  • 12:20-12:30
    Sylvan Adams, Businessman, Philanthropist and activist, working to strengthen the State of Israel, Interviewed by Yaakov Katz
  • 12:35-12:45
    Prof. Rivka Lazovsky – Chairperson, World WIZO Executive
  • 12:50-13:00
    Lilach Asher Topilsky, President, Chief Executive Officer at Israel Discount Bank
  • 13:05-13:15
    Ron Prosor, Chairman, Abba Eban Institute of International Diplomacy, IDC Herzliya. Presentation of the 2019 InnoDip Award for Excellence in Innovative Diplomacy
  • 13:20-13:30
    MK Gideon Sa’ar – Likud Party, Former Minister of the Interior and Former Member of the Security Cabinet
  • 13:35-14:35
  • 14:40-14:45
    Greetings from Mr. Gordon Robertson President CBN
  • 14:50-15:00
    Kiron Skinner, Former Director of Policy Planning at the U.S. Department of State, Interviewed by Yaakov Katz
  • 15:05-15:15
    Bini Zomer – Vice president, Regional Affairs, Noble Energy Interviewed by Eytan Halon, Business Correspondent
  • 15:20-15:30
    MK Ayelet Shaked- Chair of HaYemin HaHedash party, former Justice Minister, Interviewed by Herb Keinon
  • 15:35-15:45
    Avigdor Lieberman, Chairman of Israel Beytenu, Interviewed by Yaakov Katz

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